Bethel, CT
Established in 1980
Member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut ~ Member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Libby Kellogg Garden
Located at the intersection of Main, Wooster and School Street.
Libby Kellogg was the first established public green in Bethel. In the mid 1980's Elizabeth 'Libby' Kellogg chair of the town's conservation commission led the fight to save the hundred year old green. After her death in 1989, a granite memorial was placed on the site. A Japanese tree and marker were donated in memory of a young boy who lost his battle with leukemia. The peace bell, added in 1999, commemorates the Bethel Middle school student who won a state wide 'Earth Day' essay competition. In 2002 the Bethel Garden Club redesigned the garden to encompass all three markers and surrounding trees.