Bethel, CT
Established in 1980
Member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut ~ Member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Second Meeting House Gardens
Located at 40 Main street
Second Meeting House and Bethel's Oldest Cemetary
Bethel’s Second Meeting House served as the Congregational Church from 1842 to 1865. After it was damaged in a windstorm, it was moved to its current location and served as the town Hall until 1939. Today, the VFW Post 935 and Bethel’s Historical Society share the building. The upstairs serves as a museum for Bethel’s rich history. The Second Meeting House is part of a group of historical sites that include Bethel’s oldest cemetery (1759) and the current First Congregational Church (1867). In 2004, as part of a National Garden Club initiative to establish gardens at historical locations, the Bethel Garden Club created the gardens in this area.
Rita's Garden
In April of 2004, this garden was established in honor of a long time Bethel Garden Club member, Rita Murphy.
This garden has a reading bench framed by a trellis.